I completed Vegan January. Now what?

I completed Vegan January. Now what?

I’ll admit it: I went into 2021 with some naïve level of open-mindedness that the new year meant a new, clean slate. The universe quickly reminded all of us that the events of 2020 are not trapped in a magic time capsule, but are rather predicting our each and every move in this new year. In addition to the notable, national events that came in kicking and screaming this past January, I’ve also gone through personal sets of trials and tribulations. From health concerns to pet deaths, January 2021 already feels like a millennium. So the fact that I actually stuck to veganism for the past 31 days is shocking.

Yes, you can eat out while vegan!

Yes, you can eat out while vegan!

As someone who already does not eat meat, I didn’t think that I’d notice a big shift in my health. However, I went through a lot of changes in my body and energy that truly shifted the ways I think about food. Based on my experiences, I am going to list my tips and recommendations that I’ve learned from or followed for the past month. These are solely based on my experiences and are not meant to be followed verbatim. Simply take what works for you and modify based on your individual needs!

My biggest takeaways

  1. Set an intention: Why are you interested in eating plant-based? I had gone through hardships this month that would have normally sent me down a path of comfort eating. My intention for going vegan was to live a life that benefits the environment, animal welfare, and my personal health. This intention held me accountable and actually motivated me in other areas of my life, such as exercising and budgeting. If you’re considering going vegan, set an intention for why it is important to you, and make the intention accessible by writing it down or coming back to it when you have to make hard decisions.

  2. Get ready to feel weird: During my first week of veganism, I was constantly hungry. I was beating myself over this and questioning if going vegan was the right decision for my body. After feeling like this would never end, like most things, it eventually did. If this is your first time making a major shift in your diet, your body will need some time to adjust. Even if it is not as major of a shift as you think it is, like in my case, your body will still go through an adjustment period. Get ready to feel weird, remember your intention, and practice patience!

  3. Plan, plan, plan: This is a subset to #2 for those weird feelings of hunger and lack of satisfaction after meals. What worked best for me was buying more snacks than I thought I needed, and prepping fresh things like chopped veggies in advance. I also tried to make at least two new recipes per week, and base my shopping trip around that. Planning kept me motivated and introduced me to a lot of unique, vegan recipes I wouldn’t have been able to try otherwise!

  4. Try new things: You’ve already made the leap into trying a completely new diet, so why stop there? In addition to making two new recipes per week, I supported vegan restaurants whenever I could. I also followed more seasoned vegans for inspiration and looked into other ways I can live a more plant-based lifestyle outside of my diet, such as with household and beauty products. This holistic approach tied in with my intention, and in the end made the journey much more exciting and impactful.

  5. Check in with yourself: All of the takeaways point to this final tip. Don’t only ask yourself why, but ask yourself how. Why am I feeling this way or practicing this behavior? How do I either stay motivated to continue this or make a change? Specifically with veganism, checking in with your body and mind are essential in making healthy, long-term decisions.

Taking to Instagram stories for advice is all part of the process…right?

Taking to Instagram stories for advice is all part of the process…right?

It is February 1. Now what?

My Vegan January experience has strengthened my commitment to living a more plant-based lifestyle. After creating recipes that have surprised both me and my non-vegan friends, and discovering delicious vegan restaurants, I personally do not feel like I am missing out on the things I enjoyed before Vegan January. I plan to not limit purchasing dairy products when grocery shopping and at least consider the plant-based option while dining out or ordering in. And, most importantly, share more vegan recipes with you!

Stay tuned for more posts about my favorite vegan products, recipes, and restaurants. Thank you for making it all the way to the end and an even bigger thank you to my friends that listened to me rant about all things veganism for the past month! I promise to make it just a tad less of my entire personality moving forward.

The best things I ate in 2020

The best things I ate in 2020